Friday, March 2, 2007

To-Do-List Prior To Having Mesotherapy Procedure (2)

Remember, to have a fine body as you would want, mesotherapy as a single method would not work. You need to change your lifestyle and habit into a healthier way. You must also pay a great deal of attention to your nutrition and exercise. The effectiveness of the treatments is improved by proper diet, exercise, adrenal and thyroid function. Having a positive attitude towards yourself and your body in particular is extremely important. It helps the whole process. It is not the mesotherapy that creates the miracle, it is YOU!

A high protein, low carbohydrate diet is recommended prior to and during your treatment program and you must avoid foods containing xanthenes or caffeine’s such as coffee, caffeinated teas, chocolate or sodas before each treatment.

You must NOT consume xanthenes or caffeine products drinks prior to treatments may experience lightheadedness or faint. You must consume a protein meal and adequate fluids prior to each treatment.

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